Sunday, September 28, 2008


A rite of passage was completed for our youngest tribe member. In honor of the anniversary of his birth, Luke was granted the opportunity to wear his first cake.

The ritual was soon followed by a bath.

The rest of the tribe spent a great deal of effort cleaning up the kitchen.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Luke Skywalker

Yeah, yeah, you can omit the 'sky'.  Our little man on September 11, 2008 took his first steps.  
Try as we might to get it on video, all attempts failed until now.  
Today, Saturday September 13, 2008, Luke finally ignored the camera, and walked again.
It's kinda hard not to hold back on the proud, if you know what I mean.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Growing so fast

Luke is growing so fast, yet with each check-up, he is right on target. Are they really supposed to grow this fast? Apparantly so!

He has become so photogenic. When he was younger (like, 3 months), it would be so difficult to get him to look at the camera, let alone to smile or be cooperative in any way.

Now, the only thing that gets his attention more than a camera is any female at the store. This little guys puts on his best smile and charms the 'awwws' right out of them.

Friday, March 7, 2008

Snow in Texas in March?

So we're driving home from New Orleans on Monday night, and its raining the entire way home.

When we get to Mesquite, I notice that the rain is no longer rain, but Snow. Not bad, though, it doesn't seem to be sticking.

20 minutes or so later, we're in Plano, and that's where it starts to get interesting. Snow is sticking to the grass, and the roads seem to be getting "slushy". Time to slow down.

15 minutes later, we're passing through McKinney. As soon as we're clear, all traffic comes to a standstill. The snow is coming down hard. Cars all around us are coated with it. We are stuck on Central Expressway for almost an hour! And this is March!!! Take that, Al Gore!!

We finally made it home around 12:30 in the morning, and this is what we found in our front yard.

UPDATE: All the snow melted on Tuesday, but on Thursday, we got more! And on Friday it all melted again, though there are rumors we'll get more this weekend. Global Warming, sheesh! Give me a break.

Growing up more every day

Last week we loaded up the car, and took a road trip to New Orleans to attend the wedding of one of Melissa's old friends.
This also happened to be the first time Luke had been on a road trip, so we took the time to visit many of Melissa's family and friends, many of whom had never seen the baby before.
Melissa's aunt, Melissa, who is quite a gifted photographer in her spare time, also managed to take quite a few excellent pictures of Luke. Here are some of my favorites.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Grandmama's here!!!

Luke's Grandmama arrived in town to see her first and so far only grandchild. She hugged him, held him, and even fed and changed him.
He burped, slept, and just looked around. But, for a three week old, that's quite alot.
Grandmama stayed long enough to witness his dedication.

Saturday, September 29, 2007

First Guests

The first out of town visitors showed up this past week. Melissa's Aunt, Melissa, and Uncle Johnny. Now that Luke is here, its much easier to attract house guests to our home. We will have to have another baby soon.